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MPTK command line FAQ

by broy — last modified 2007-02-16 15:23
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Describe how to use the MPTK command line functionalities

FAQ overview

How to use mpd for signal decomposition


mpd [options] -D dictFILE.txt (-n N|-s SNR) (sndFILE.wav|-) (bookFILE.bin|-) ...

                        ... [residualFILE.wav]


Iterates Matching Pursuit on signal sndFILE.wav with dictionary dictFILE.txt and gives the resulting book bookFILE.bin (and an optional residual signal) after N iterations or after reaching the signal-to-residual ratio SNR. See related question for a description of the syntax of the dictionary

Mandatory arguments:

-D<FILE>, --dictionary=<FILE> Read the dictionary from text file FILE.

-n<N>, --num-iter=<N>|--num-atoms=<N> Stop after N iterations.
AND/OR -s<SNR>, --snr=<SNR> Stop when the SNR value SNR is reached. If both options are used together, the algorithm stops as soon as either one is reached.
(sndFILE.wav|-) The signal to analyze or stdin (in WAV format).
(bookFILE.bin|-) The file to store the resulting book of atoms, or stdout.

Optional arguments:

-E<FILE>, --energy-decay=<FILE> Save the energy decay as doubles to file FILE.

-R<N>, --report-hit=<N> Report some progress info (in stderr) every N iterations.
-S<N>, --save-hit=<N> Save the output files every N iterations.
-T<N>, --snr-hit=<N> Test the SNR every N iterations only (instead of each iteration).
-p<double>, --preemp=<double> Pre-emphasize the input signal with coefficient <double>.
residualFILE.wav The residual signal after subtraction of the atoms.
-q, --quiet No text output.
-v, --verbose Verbose.
-V, --version Output the version and exit.
-h, --help This help.

How to use mpview for the generation of a time-frequency map from a book


mpview [options] (bookFILE.bin|-) tfmapFILE.flt


Makes a time-frequency pixmap fill it with the time-frequency representation of the atoms contained in the book file bookFile.bin and write it to the file tfmapFILE.flt as a raw sequence of floats. The pixmap size is 640x480 pixels unless option –size is used.

Mandatory arguments:

(bookFILE.bin|-) A book of atoms, or stdin.
tfmapFILE.flt The file where to write the pixmap in float.
Optional arguments:
-s, --size=<numCols>x<numRows> : change the size of the pixmap.
-q, --quiet No text output.
-v, --verbose Verbose.
-V, --version Output the version and exit.
-h, --help This help.


Displays a book in a pixmap of numCols x numRows pixels Returns nonzero in case of failure, zero otherwise.

How to use mpd demix for blind source separation with a known mixing matrix


mpd_demix [options] -D dictFILE.txt -M matrix.txt (-n N|-s SNR) ...

(sndFILE.wav|-) (bookFILE) [residualFILE.wav]


Performs Blind Source Separation on signal sndFILE.wav with dictionary dictFile.txt and with the known mixer matrix mixFILE.txt. The result is stored in as many books as estimated sources (plus an optional residual signal), after N iterations or after reaching the signal-to-residual ratio SNR.

Mandatory arguments:

-M<FILE>, --mix-matrix=<FILE> Read the mixer matrix from text file FILE.

The first line of the file should indicate the number of rows and the number of columns, and the following lines should give space separated values, with a line break after each row.

2 3
0.92 0.38 0.71
0.71 0.77 1.85

-n<N>, --num-iter=<N>|--num-atoms=<N> Stop after N iterations. AND/OR -s<SNR>, --snr=<SNR> Stop when the SNR value SNR is reached.
If both options are used together, the algorithm stops as soon as either one is reached.
(sndFILE.wav|-) The signal to analyze or stdin
(in WAV format).
(bookFILE) The base name of the files to store the books of atoms_n corresponding to the N estimated sources. These N books will be named bookFILE_n.bin, n=[0,...,N-1].

Optional arguments:

-D<FILE>, --dictionary=<FILE> Read the dictionary from text file FILE.

If no dictionary is given, a default dictionary is used. (Use -v to see the structure of the default dictionary reported in the verbose information.)
-E<FILE>, --energy-decay=<FILE> Save the energy decay as doubles to file FILE.
-Q<FILE>, --src-sequence=<FILE> Save the source sequence as unsigned short ints to file FILE.
-R<N>, --report-hit=<N> Report some progress info (in stderr) every N iterations.
-S<N>, --save-hit=<N> Save the output files every N iterations.
-T<N>, --snr-hit=<N> Test the SNR every N iterations only (instead of each iteration). residualFILE.wav The residual signal after subtraction of the atoms.
-q, --quiet No text output.
-v, --verbose Verbose.
-V, --version Output the version and exit.
-h, --help This help.

How to use mpr for signal reconstruction


mpr (bookFILE.bin|-) (reconsFILE.wav|-) [residualFILE.wav]


Rebuilds a signal reconsFile.wav from the atoms contained in the book file bookFile.bin. An optional residual can be added.

Mandatory arguments:

(bookFILE.bin|-) A book of atoms, or stdin.
(reconsFILE.wav|-) A file to store the rebuilt signal, or stdout
(in WAV format).

Optional arguments:

residualFILE.wav A residual signal that was obtained from a Matching Pursuit decomposition.
-q, --quiet No text output.
-v, --verbose Verbose.
-V, --version Output the version and exit.
-h, --help This help.

How to use mpcat for concatenation of book files


mpcat (book1.bin|-) (book2.bin|-) ... (bookN.bin|-) (bookOut.bin|-)


Concatenates the N books book1.bin...bookN.bin into the book file bookOut.bin.

Mandatory arguments:

(bookN.bin|-) At least 2 books (or stdin) to concatenate.
(bookOut.bin|-) A book where to store the concatenated books, or stdout

Optional arguments:

-f, --force Force the overwriting of bookOut.bin.
-q, --quiet No text output.
-v, --verbose Verbose.
-V, --version Output the version and exit.
-h, --help This help.

How to use mpf for filtering of the book files


mpf --PROPERTY1=[min:max] ... --PROPERTY_N=[min:max] (bookIn.bin|-) ...
[bookYes.bin|-] [bookNo.bin]


Filters the atoms contained in bookIn.bin (or stdin), stores those which satisfy the indicated properties in bookYes.bin (or stdout) and the others in bookNo.bin.

Mandatory arguments:

(bookIn.bin|-) A book of input atoms, or stdin.

Optional arguments:

(bookYes.bin|-) A file (or stdout) to store the book of atoms which satisfy the indicates properties. bookNo.bin A file to store a book of atoms which do not satisfy the indicated properties.
If no output files are given, the atoms are just counted and their number is reported in stderr.

One or more of the following switches:
    --index=[min:max] / -i [min:max] : keep the atoms ordered from min to maxin the book
    --length=[min:max] / -l [min:max] : keep a specific range of atom lengths(in number of samples)
    --Length=[min:max] / -L [min:max] : keep a specific range of atom lengths(in seconds)
    --position=[min:max] / -p [min:max] : keep a specific range of atom positions(in number of samples)
    --Position=[min:max] / -P [min:max] : keep a specific range of atom positions(in seconds)
    --freq=[min:max] / -f [min:max] : keep a specific frequency range (innormalized values between 0 and 0.5)
    --Freq=[min:max] / -F [min:max] : keep a specific frequency range (in Hz)
    --amp=[min:max] / -a [min:max] : keep a specific range of amplitudes
    --chirp=[min:max] / -c [min:max] : keep a specific range of chirp factors

The intervals can exclude the min or max value by using reverted braces, e.g. ]min:max] will exclude the min value. The intervals can be negated with prepending the ’^’ character, e.g. ^[min:max].

The atom’s type can be tested with:
    --type=gabor|harmonic|dirac|anywave / -t gabor|harmonic|dirac|anywave (The chirp type is not provided: a chirp atom is a gabor atom with a non-null chirp rate.)

Other optional arguments are:
    -q, --quiet No text output.
    -v, --verbose Verbose.
    -V, --version Output the version and exit.
    -h, --help This help.


Take all the atoms with a frequency lower than 50Hz and higher than 1000Hz among the first 100 atoms of bookIn.bin, store them in bookYes.bin and store all the others in bookNo.bin:
mpf --index=[0:100[ --Freq=^[50:1000] bookIn.bin bookYes.bin bookNo.bin


Only one instance of each property is allowed. More complicated domains can be elaborated using pipes.

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