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Contributing to MPTK FAQ

by rleboulc — last modified 2010-07-28 14:20
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Contributing to MPTK is easy, you don't need to be a programmer. Anyone who is interested can help out.

FAQ overview

How to join the development team ?

If you are a developer (or want to learn) and/or have some experience with libraries (or want to learn), we'd love to have you join the programming effort. In any event, if you'd like to participate in improving MPTK, please join the MPTK-devel mailing list. You can sign up at our MPTK Mailing Lists page.

How can i help with documentation ?

We need more, and better documentation for library decision makers, programmers and developers and librarians. If you've figured out how to do something with MPTK, or have just "learnt" it yourself, please consider writing a short piece about it and contributing it to the documentation section under MPTK gforge website.

How to contribute to MPTK collaborative website

You can help the MPTK community by adding your contribution to the MPTK collaborative web site: giving answers to FAQs, providing examples of your use of MPTK for your favorite application, etc.

To contribute to this web site, you need to be registered as a 'member'. Members are registered on this website through an ACL (Acces Control List) which allows to manage two lists of members:

  • One is local to IRISA and synchronised to LDAP identification sytem of INRIA.

  • One another is local to Plone website and allows to identifiate users which haven't an LDAP identification account.

  • If you want to join the MPTK Plone collaborative website, in order to register you on this second list please send us a mail specifying your desired 'User name', your 'E-mail'' and the 'Status' you desire (user, developer or both). We will send you an invitation to the specified E-mail.

    How can i suggest improvements ?

    Even if you can't program a new feature, we'd love to hear about it, join the mailing lists and drop us a line. Teach us about library standards and processes If you can help us understand something (or why something is important) we're more likely to do a good job of getting it into MPTK.

    Can i test things and report bugs ?

    Please do this! We want MPTK to be as most stable and easy-to-use as possible. Feel free to report bugs via the MPTK gforge website.

    Workgroup Members